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Senior Project Showcase
Orchestra Promo Video
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Piano Promo Video
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Jazz Promo Video
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For my senior project at Alabama, I was asked to help edit promotional videos for prospective students about the different programs that the School of Music offers. All interviews were individually filmed by the interviewee and were sent in remotely during the fall semester of 2020. All videos have been edited with Final Cut Pro, and the music is from the YouTube Music Library. Doing this semester-long project really helped me to further my development in video editing and taught me how to do fix lighting issues, audio issues, and how to add multiple layers all at once. I am extremely thankful to have gained this experience and hope to improver professionally as time continues.


In my Intro to Media Creation class, our final project included recording and editing our own documentary about an activity or a job someone else did. I focused mine on the University of Alabama Ballroom Team. During the filming of this, the interviewee, Kristina Woodward, was the Vice President of the competitive team. 


However, we did run into some issues during filming. She was diagnosed with mono during the time we were given to work on the project, and she was unable to be cleared by her doctor to participate in dance until about three days until the project was due. We also dealt with bad lighting in her apartment and her cat, Sven, who decided that it was time to eat and play during the interview process. 


Even though issues arose and there was a huge time crunch to finish this project, I am extremely proud of it. I received high marks for it as an assignment and know I did my best with what knowledge and experience I had. 

In my Advanced Legal and Ethical issues class, our final project included working on a video project that discussed a vast topic in computer science. I chose Cloud Computing Technology. We also had to create a website that went along with this video that further discusses cloud computing technology and what I took from doing the project, which I will link here.


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